
Our staff, combined with our technologies and resources, encourage strong economic, creative and social growth in our communities, families and individuals.

  • Feasibility study for a mobile makerspace / creativity lab.
  • Identify and explore non-traditional library collections and experiences.
  • Support residents to create, launch and promote their own eBooks.

Inspiration mirrors a change in the evolution of public library services. Traditionally, libraries collected print material that they assumed people might want to borrow. Today, in contrast, material on a wide variety of topics is available online. People are participating in discussions, asking questions of experts and offering their own expertise. They are exploring new ways of communicating and learning from and with others. While exciting, this sometimes leads to the proliferation of false information, highlighting the critical role libraries play in helping our customers confirm the accuracy of their sources.

Fraser Valley Regional Library wants to help people explore the potential of new information-seeking tools. We want to support them as they engage in new ways of learning and as they share their own creative endeavours.


Feasibility Study for a Mobile Makerspace/Creativity Lab

While many people use the library to find information, they also use the library to help them create content and to gain knowledge about tools and technologies relevant to their professional and personal lives. The study will include:

  • a needs analysis;
  • options for services;
  • resource requirements and funding options; and
  • an investigation of potential partnerships and sponsors.

This initiative will support the communities we serve and improve library service by introducing the public to technologies that they cannot access from home but which may have an impact on their personal and professional growth.


Identify and Explore Non-Traditional Library Collections and Experiences

Recent years have seen tremendous demand for libraries to loan materials other than books, and provide powerful experiences to support community growth and connections. Pilot projects have shown that much demand exists in our communities for non-traditional collections such as musical instruments and new technologies, as well as makerspace programming. This initiative aims to expand on those early successes and grow popular new services that support aspects of the new economy in our communities.

This initiative will support the communities we serve and improve library service by providing access to unique technologies and experiences which are not readily accessible to many Fraser Valley residents in their own communities.


Support Residents to Create, Launch and Promote Their Own eBooks

Staff and customer training will allow Fraser Valley residents to create their own eBooks and to place their work in our library catalogue. Partnerships with various technology platforms are currently being evaluated.

This initiative will support the communities we serve and improve library service by providing residents with the means of expressing their thoughts, ideas and creative endeavours and sharing them with a potential audience.